15+ Realistic Ways to Make Money Online in New Zealand


Hosting an International Student

Thousands of international students attend New Zealand schools every year, with most coming from Asia and living all over the country. With the exception of ‘exchange students’, who come via a program such as Rotary or AFS, most others pay  for accommodation and to attend school. If you have a spare room and are open to the idea, it can be financially rewarding – many schools and programs pay at least $200 a week. It’s not a full-year commitment either, as students usually return to their country in the holidays. 

International student hosting has had a bad reputation, primarily from New Zealanders using it as a cash cow and putting students into a ‘farm’. A ‘farm’ is when 3, 4 or even 5 students live with a single man often disinterested in the students’ experience.  It’s not that they don’t specialise in haute cuisine (they don’t), the issue has been students feeling unwelcome in the home they’ve been assigned. New Zealand has so much more to offer, so if you’re a family or couple, you are likely to be welcomed by a school who is itself looking to attract more international students.

Hosting an International Student Essentials

  1. Time investment: It is an ongoing commitment – once you apply and are approved, you will spend at least 40 weeks a year with the student. If you prefer a smaller commitment, many international schools offer 2 to 6-week placements. These schools tend to be in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, and the students are often a little older. 
  2. What can I earn? Around $200 a week, sometimes less, sometimes more, depending on your location. 
  3. How am I paid? By bank transfer
  4. Where do I start? Contact your local high schools to register your interest. The teacher running the international program will explain the details and email relevant information.
  5. Difficulty Level: Easy to Medium – you’ll need to offer meals (breakfast and dinner primarily) to school-aged students, fit them into you and/or your family’s routine, and make an effort to socialise. If their English isn’t fantastic, it can be tiring to communicate, but part of the experience is that the student learns English from their host family.​


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